This Writing Thing, Again


I’ve decided to start this writing thing, yet again. As I type this, I know my mentor Professor Verdelle would probably whack me over the head for using the word “thing”. I can hear her disappointment now, but I promise its intentional (pinky promise).

Perhaps I shouldn’t say I’m writing again - this suggests that I haven’t written in a while which isn’t true considering my zine features a short story, and my photo book TOUJOURS contains several personal essays. But this is the first time I’m venturing back into the public world with my words and thoughts in such an accessible way.

I’m excited for it. I’ve been very inspired lately and creating so much work that I’m personally proud of. I realize that as an artist, I can share my sources of inspiration with others and they may find the same spark that I found. My day job celebrates unlocking creativity, and I abide by that mission in my own personal life. Me being open about the people and experiences from which I draw inspiration is only right as I move forward in my journey as an artist. Besides, sharing is caring.

This writing “thing” will be fun this time around.


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