to 27
I have a world of things to be grateful for.
This day last year was a day of melancholy and sadness grieving as my world changed around me. Even
amongst the movement - some of which was my own doing, no one told me to get a house - I felt like I had
Lost control, a triggering feeling.
But alas, I have closed doors that wanted to close and have opened doors where I see light. This has been
My year of “yes:”.
I am surrounded by love. I live relatively comfortably in New York City, a dream. I’ve met some geniune
People and amazing friends that I hope stay for a lifetime. Every day is an adventure. I wake up with no plans
And go to bed at 1 AM having been out all night.
I love bodega omelettes and the kennedy chicken by my apartment.
I’ve made some of the best songs ever that were supposed to come out today, but I found inspiration recently
And decided to continue to work on it some. #taurusenergy
I could’ve never seen this coming a year ago. But here I am letting in the light.