oh YES! 2/24
I had the opportunity to share some work from my poetry collection “24” on February 24th. This is the first showcase I’d been a part of ever. I chose 1 piece from 24 - “Isolation” - and the other two from TWO FOUR - “Nightrun” and “Loose Change”. “Loose Change” was fun given it was a rewrite of “-2_16 Ohno” so I performed “Ohno” as well. These pieces encapsulated many of the important parts of 2024 I felt I needed to share - the grief, the loneliness, the heartbreak, the rage, California, Florence, and so much more. There was one more song I was gonna perform, but I ended up cutting it to stay within the allotted time - even though a few of the acts prior to me went over.
I want to express sincere gratitude to my friends who came out. Traveling between the boroughs can feel like a road trip, but the fact that my friends are willing to make the trip for me shows they do care. I try my best to show up for others even if it may be at my own expense, because I understand the value of doing so for other people. It’s nice to be on the other end. Reciprocity is key.
I’m thankful for Arkadiusz for once again transforming these works of mine into beautiful acoustic arrangements. Its always so nice to hear my spaceship music translated into something different. It’s giving singer-songwriter. The next Cousin Tito album could be a country album. I wanna collect genres like Infinity Stones.
The talent last night was all sorts of amazing and showcases like these just remind me of how important art is for community, but also how it’s literally all around us. If you enjoy art - the process of making it. I find the biggest thing one could ask for is to make a sustainable living from it, which is relatively hard to do considering the devaluing of art. The rise of streaming only complicated the relationship between consumption of music and people think visibility equals money. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t.
Jaibee had such a beautiful spirit. She was one of the first people Arkadiusz and I talked to upon entering the venue. She approached us first, very curious and very kind. I think anyone could sense my nervousness - plus it wasn’t any sort of secret, I was practically telling everyone. Yet, her energy was so smooth and soft and lightened some of the pressure I was feeling. Very pleasant soul.
Ciph Boogie’s set was amazing as well. I told him I’m ready to see him perform at Williamsburg Music Hall, which is a dear compliment from me considering that’s where I first saw Florence and the Machine in 2015 and Megan Thee Stallion (bless her) in 2019. From there to Knockdown and onward. His energy and breath control felt like you were experiencing something bigger. His performance embodied performing in a room of 50 the same way you’d perform in a room of 5,000.
The entire line-up was dope and it was an honor to be included in it.
I enjoyed the cacophony of a song my friends and I sung on our way to the 7 train. Wanya’s pleasant surprise with the flowers was very nice to receive. The lemon pepper wings felt more lemon pepper than wings and I probably could’ve had a heart attack, but the fries were very good. Even now, 36 hours later, I’m still relishing in the moment.
24 is my second favorite number. It symbolizes home for me. It symbolizes endings and beginnings. 24 and its relation to time means a lot to me. Hours and days. Time means a lot to me - always has. Time is a finite resource and none of us know how much of it we have. With that in mind, I intend to make sure I waste none of it. My heart is full.