on "do you feel free?"

I loaded CaptainChords into Logic, and composed the song in G flat Minor. I did consider adding a horn instrument to the song, but I pretty much use the horn/trumpet on so many other instrumentals, so I stuck with the pad-organ minimalism this time around.

The "I can be your type" verse was in my mind for years now, but only Friday, August 31st, did I decide to actually record it after finding the right chords. The rest of the lyrics came from just singing into the mic around the themes of loss, regret, and desire that I've written about probably too many times before. I recorded the song in two hours.

The finishing touches were the samples I used throughout the track. If anyone listens to Things Fall Apart, they’re from the same sample pack I downloaded. That lucky folder is full of so many samples that are relevant to the story I’m building.

"do you feel free?" is one of many "letters" to myself. Most of my songs have messages meant for specific times and places, and this song is no different. After sitting on it for over a month, I’ve decided to release it as it is on October 12th


on being terrible in public


"Things Fall Apart" Track By Track